OLD NEWS with Dan & Carrie
Former morning news co-anchors Dan Presser and Carrie Cokins reunite behind the microphone after 20+ years! Join Dan & Carrie as they catch up with old newsroom friends and explore new topics. What's old is new again!
**Podcast photo and Zoom background images courtesy of photographer, Gregg Schieve of Schieve Photo.
OLD NEWS with Dan & Carrie
Prof. Emeritus James Hoyt - Part 2: The Push to get Bob Teague into the UW Athletic HOF/Political Ads & Coverage/Cameras in the Courtroom
In Part 2 of our conversation - Professor Emeritus James Hoyt's push to get Bob Teague into the UW Athletic Hall of Fame. Teague was a successful journalist, UW-Madison grad, and the first black starter on the UW-Madison football team. Plus political ads and political coverage. And how Professor Hoyt was instrumental in getting cameras into courtrooms in Wisconsin and other states in the 1970s and beyond!
WATCH on YouTube with Bonus Video/Pics: https://youtu.be/ucuK1MoyD4E
Links Mentioned in this Episode
- WATCH Part 1 with Prof. Emeritus James Hoyt: https://youtu.be/7z4WNJcSuyQ
- WATCH the Episode with Former Congressman Scott Klug: https://youtu.be/enmnYBIk6NE
- WATCH the Episode with Professor Katy Culver: https://youtu.be/8_gMTJlFCNE
**Find the audio-only versions of these and other episodes on podcast apps or our website: https://oldnewswithdancarrie.buzzsprout.com
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